• 0113 8214544
  • sales@theukweddingevent.co.uk
  • Aberford, Leeds, United Kingdom

Business Directory

It has never been easier for engaged couples to find what they need for their big day. If you are a wedding business don’t miss the chance to get noticed by joining our suppliers directory. Registration is completely free for the first three months for companies or individuals wishing to get their service listed.


We wish you all the very best as you prepare for your big day and wish you a long and happy marriage together. That said, just under half of marriages end in divorce - we genuinely hope that you NEVER need our services, but if you do decide to separate at some point, we provide a way to do it positively at the DivorceHotel


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    The UK Wedding Event,
    Lotherton House,
    Windmill Rise,
    LS25 3EW

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    0113 8214544

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