The changing face of wedding etiquette
GUEST BLOGGER – Gillian Neild
Why you should ban social media on your wedding day
So when a friend of mine got married recently, she requested that no photos of the wedding were posted on social media before her or her new husband. I thought this was an excellent idea. So here’s some good reasons why you should ban social media on your wedding day.
Retain the element of surprise throughout the day
You might not have room for all your family and friends to attend the ceremony. So if your guests post ceremony photos online they could be seen by guest coming to the evening do. Without a plan to ban social media on your wedding day, this will spoil the surprise of guests seeing your dress.
It’s nicer if everyone gets to see you and your husband in your wedding day finery in the flesh. And much better than a dodgy online version with Aunt Maude’s ridiculously large hat part-blocking the view!
You can release the amazing official photos first
Make a plan with your pro photographer. You could have a small number of photos edited and available within 48 hours or so of the big day.
This could be one of the shots you have taken when it’s just you and the photographer. No-one will have seen this image – and everyone will like the surprise of seeing the day captured in a new way. The professional shots you share are ones you’re 100 per cent happy with. So this is another great reason why you should ban social media on your wedding day.
You could also delight your friends and family on social media for weeks to come by drip-feeding all the candid pics of them enjoying the event too.
It’s a party – and great time to talk to people!
Weddings often see families and friends come together from all over the world. It’s the once a year occasion when we see our far flung friends and relatives. So make the most of it! When your guests know you want to ban social media on your wedding day, they’ll put away their phones and talk more!
Turn off the wi-fi – a perfect reason why you should ban social media on your wedding day
If you really want to go for it, turn off the wi-fi. If you’re having a barn or country wedding the signal often isn’t the strongest. Use this as a reason why you should ban social media on your wedding day and ask your venue to turn off any wi-fi.
People will soon get fed up of trying to connect and decide to enjoy the party instead.
Life is not best experienced through a tiny screen
It’s a sad trend that we live and share our lives through a screen just a few inches in size. Think of how much more there is to see, hear, feel and taste at a wedding. So when you ban social media on your wedding day, you’re helping your guests take in the sights and sounds. This will mean they have so many more vivid memories from your special day.
If you need inspiration for your wedding day, head over to Gillian’s Pinterest boards. Gillian is also available if you need help to plan your big day, so get in touch. If you think there are good reasons why you should ban social media on your wedding day; you could hire Gillian and she’ll take all the blame responsibility for the idea!!!